A new year have come, and I made my own 5 goals to achieve this year (well, actually with my bestfriend... we spontaneously create our own wishlists, on the night of her birthday)
1. To secure a permanent job
Indeed, this would be of my top priority! I don't want to always be the one depending on others. I want to finally be someone that others could also depend on. Specifically, I'm referring to my family. I love them so much, that I want to always be able to help them. As when having a job, it would means that I could save money. And money could do wonders sometimes (in situation that demands for it only).
2. To get a driving license
To tell the truth, I'm quite phobia with driving. Not that I'm afraid of driving a car, I'm actually afraid of other drivers on the road. Thus, making me scared of driving. So, I've decided to let my thoughts to help me do miracles about it. Well, psychological assistance is needed here.
3. To go on a vacation with my bestfriend (only the two of us)
Now, after a series of unfortunate events that we've been through, we deserve a break. Away from the people and surrounding that would be reminding us of it. So, a place near nature would be something I have in mind. What do you think about it, haufazenh?
4. To buy a car
Well, as it would be one way for me to start realising my dream, thus that's why I'm eagerly going to work hard for it (despite the fact that I mentioned at No. 2 above)
5. To find my Mr. Right
I'm going to be 24 years old this year, and yet never have a boyfriend for this long that I lived. Not that I'm sighing, far from regretting. Just that I think it is the time now, that I finally find someone to accompany me to journey this life. Though the fact that I have someone in my mind right now, I just don't know--
So, I'm going to work my best this time. This morning, read a short story. The words struck me somehow...
' if I were to breathe only in a short time, then I would be able to commit less sins
if I were to walk longer on this world, then I can do kindness as much as I can '
Lord, bless me with peace within my heart
Help me make each day a beautiful start
Help me understand how I can make a difference
& the raison d'etre for my existence
Bless me with the courage to voice what's right
In a world where reality bites
Within the range of possibilities that I can change
Bless me with the will to do so for the better
& for those that I can't change
Help me to gracefully accept & not be bitter
For I trust in You, that You have your reasons
So mysterious that I won't be able to comprehend
I believe You will show me why in another season
When the time is right, the explanation You will send
Bless me with the wisdom to then understand
As there is no highway to heaven on earth
Guide me in this world in each of my steps
Before I take my very last breath
p/s: the poem was taken years ago, from a newspaper that I read daily (I didn't get the name of the poet somehow, really apologize for that). This is a beautiful piece that caught me, & I still kept it until now
p/s/s: above pic was taken from here http://ineedchemicalx.deviantart.com/art/Life-is-wonderful-143064301
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